“Year of the Rabbit” is a black comedy and buddy cop sitcom created by Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley. The series, directed by Ben Taylor, first aired in 2019 to mixed reviews from viewers. It’s been three years since there has yet to be a second season.
We know you’ve come seeking information about the show’s second season. So we have gathered all the information you need about Year of the Rabbit Season 2 here, including the release date, cast, trailer, and much more.
Year of the Rabbit Season 2 Release Date
The series premiered in 2019 on Channel 4 in the United States and on IFC in the United Kingdom. With its first release, the series received positive feedback from viewers. Season 2 of the show is currently the most anticipated by fans. But when will the new season begin?
Because the officials have released no information about Season 2, we can’t say anything for certain. However, we can anticipate a new season in 2023. Furthermore, we confirm no release date for Year of the Rabbit Season 2 has been set.
Year of the Rabbit Season 2 Cast
No cast members for the show’s upcoming season have been revealed for now. However, here is a list of the most anticipated Year of the Rabbit Season 2 cast members:
- Matt Berry plays Detective Inspector Eli Rabbit.
- Alun Armstrong plays Hugh Wisbech.
- Freddie Fox plays Detective Sergeant Wilbur Strauss.
- Susan Wokoma plays Sergeant Mabel Wisbech.
- Paul Kaye plays Detective Inspector Tanner.
- Ann Mitchell plays Gwendoline.
- Keeley Hawes plays Lydia.
Year of the Rabbit Season 2 Trailer
A new trailer for Season 2 of Year of the Rabbit has been released. The first season trailer was released in May 2019, and the first season was released one year later in June. Similarly, we can anticipate the release of the season 2 trailer in the same manner.
However, obtaining a trailer for the upcoming season will be difficult this year. Therefore, it is up to the creators to surprise their audience with a new teaser or trailer video. After that, we’ll have to wait for an official update.
Year of the Rabbit Season 2 Storyline
The series takes place in London and follows a team of detectives. The series’ main protagonist is the rabbit, a dedicated detective with two young partners.
By watching the first six episodes of season six, we were introduced to the central characters and the criminal cases they were assigned to.
There is no synopsis for Season 2 of the series. However, the upcoming season will feature more dramatic events. Therefore, you can enjoy episodes of Season 1 of “Year of the Rabbit” until then.
Year of the Rabbit Renewal Status
If you’re wondering if the series has been renewed, we can tell you it was renewed in 2019. But unfortunately, the pandemic has forced creators to put everything on hold for now.
But, finally, the show creators have officially given Year of the Rabit Season 2 the green light. Due to budgetary concerns, the show will have six episodes as Channel 4 pulled out their investments after January 2021.
The Conclusion
We’ve arrived to talk about the show’s second season, Year of the Rabbit. Since its first season, the series has received many viewers and 7.4 IMBd ratings.
We know the Cop Buddy and Black Comedy drama has piqued your interest, and you want to know what happens next in the story.
And it’s also true that we’ll all have to wait longer to learn more about the story. You can share your thoughts on the previous season and its episodes until we get a new season.
Happy-Binge Watching!
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